Open day is a day set aside by school authority in order for parents to visit the school ,to get familiar with the school ,and to make enquiry about their wards performance and attitude in school .Apart from making enquiry about attitude and performance of student in school its also aimed to ensure and bring about parents to teachers relationship .
        However , open day is the only time some parents get to know about their wards performance and attitude in school while some parents choose not to show up for open day claiming how that they are busy at work which shouldn't be . Some bother less about their ward. only few parents go through their wards school note to see their class work in school to see their  performance nor make enquiries from their child on how school went that day. This shows the I don't care  attitudes of some parents and how that they put more focus on their work and business than their ward .Only few parent come on their own to their ward school to make enquiries from their wards school about their ward to see their performance and what can be done to cause a change in attitude and performance of their wards .
        In most Nigerian schools  , Open day is a day when teachers talk about each student attitude and performance to each parent . Its a also a day where parents also show appreciation to the teachers for the work well done in cash and kind and to encourage them to do much more.
However , In some cases on the part of some student open day is a tough day for them since all their characters and performance is exposed to their parent .Open day is always a worst day for students who have been behaving disorderly in school and have a very poor performance in school work . parent in reaction to this express their dissatisfaction to to their ward some go ahead to instruct teachers to increase the punishment they give  to such child , some receive strokes of cane from either the parent or the teachers at school and some flogged at home , some denied from food for that day this is not good enough this only create fear in such students which shouldn't be as only students with good performance and character are at rest .
During open day few parent, due to their busy schedule send someone to represent them in their ward school .
      Open day should not only be a day when parent should visit school to know what's going on with their wards. Parent should do well to go through their wards class note when they are back from school by creating time for them and make enquiries from their teachers and see to it that they encourage  their wars on how that they can improve and do much better no matter the current state of their performance .Teachers should also be sincere enough with the parent during open day not just do things because they want to protect their job .
Open day should not also be a medium of creating fear into the students no matter their performance if the aim and objectives of open days in school is to be achieved .


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