Is it proper for a Lady to go to her fiancee house to his house chores for him ??

    The society where we find ourselves has a great impact on what we do based on influence .our society can either influence us positively or negatively as the case maybe .culture itself which is referred to as a way of life has a way of influencing the way we do things , our decisions and actions which boils  down to our belief system.
We find ourselves in a society that has create a mindset in the girl child to prove to be and good and responsible Lady by sacrificing everything and do some nasty things to keep the man they are in relationship with , in most ladies mind they are been good girls .
Fact still remains that its very improper for a lady to go to a man he's not yet married to to do his house chores for him all in the name of been in a relationship and funny enough guys see this as you been not knowing your worth and sees you as hes house help as actions like this screams desperation to him
A lot of ladies go ahead to cook and do all he's house chores for him in he's house due to ignorance  funny enough some do that in order to keep a man .I will say stop trying hard to keep a man know your worth the fact that you in  a relationship with someone and has helped him in doing a lot of things doesn't mean he will end up marrying you as relationships still result to breakup even after engagement. Don't give in to pressure you are special and unique .
       I believe , its kind of romantic if your fiancee / boo as the case maybe cooks for you when you go visit than and you cook for him if otherwise it should be once in a while and also out of will as no Lady is in any obligation to do house chores for someone you are not married to . whenever he comes around as a matter of fact courtesy demands that you are been hospitable .
There's a need to bring ladies out of ignorance through orientations by organizing of conferences for ladies
In summary , in a relationship??? Get books to read , Attend conferences and seminars ,
Boundaries should be also be set and be respected its wrong for a partner to barge on is partner privacy.
Develop yourself : Some ladies don't have anything to offer except that they are good in house chores .
Bulild your intellect by reading wide as no knowledge is wasted , know your worth , stop trying hard for a man to keep you. A  responsible guy  will one day know your worth and one day beg you to be a part of his  life.
Lastly remember that you are special and unique don't just settle for less forget all the pressures around you  you deserve to be loved and  respected
Tell yourself : I don't just settle for less I go for someone who will love and respect me because I deserve it .


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